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About Carambouilles

Carambouilles is run by Anne-Sophie, a French designer and screen printer living in Paris. Her work revolves around chilhood and art. Anne-Sophie believes that children - from quite a young age - are very responsive to beauty and art. When she became a mother, she was shocked by the poor quality of all the toys and objects manufactured for children. She got around this by proposing her own children vintage toys, mostly made out of wood, and by starting to design toys for them : she would spend hours sewing up and stuffing all kinds of plushies and dolls, cutting board games out of felt, painting fabric to create pouches and aprons... By doing so, she became an avid supporter of slow design, handmade and DIY. 

Along her creative path, Anne-Sophie came across the art of screen printing (her grand-father used to screen print electonic circuits in his basement as a hobby). At some point, she realized she wanted to spread the word on the slow design and handmade movement throughout her work. She decided to provide all kids - and not only her own - with unique handmade and screen printed items : fabric objects of all kind, produced at a slow pace in her studio in small series, as well as posters and paper toys, hand printed with beautiful designs and vibrant colors.

The objects that come out of Carambouilles' studio are all printed with eco-friendly inks and products (water or soy based). The fabrics used as printing support are either recycled drapes or sheets or are made out of organic cotton.

Il m'arrive de numériser mes dessins et de les utiliser tels quels, avec toutes les petites imperfections liées au tracé manuel.

Il m'arrive tout aussi souvent de redessiner mes dessins à l'aide d'un logiciel de dessin vectoriel. C'est toujours le cas quand ma sérigraphie comprendra plus de deux couleurs.

Cela commence toujours par un dessin exécuté à la main. Ce peut être un tracé d'emblée élaboré ou un simple griffonage au coin d'une page. Au crayon, au feutre, au pinceau, il n'y a pas de règle !

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